STDs / HIV Check-up and Treatment in Jakarta
Many readers ask me where they can get a medical check-up for STDs such as AIDS, HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hepatitis, Herpes, HPV (Human Papillomavirus), Genital and Anal Warts, etc. I will give you a list of recommended places in this review, plus some tips about safe sex in Jakarta.
If you are wondering whether STDs are prevalent in Indonesia, the answer is "of course". If you are wondering whether you should get checked after sleeping with someone without a condom, the answer is "of course".
Sex education in Indonesia is almost non-existent, and very few people know about STDs. For many, condoms are just a way to come inside a vagina without making babies. It is very common for Indonesians, guys or girls, educated or not, to have sex without any protection.
Prostitutes working in famous bordellos are usually screened regularly and they will force clients to use condoms. It is not always the case for low-end working girls and freelancers. Many expats and Indonesians have multiple partners, switching from "normal girls" to "prostitutes". For this reason, even good girls can be infected and when they do, they are too shy to seek treatment or even visit a gynecologist.
AIDS has killed over 34,000 Indonesians according to the UN (see report) and yet the subject is still considered taboo. Instead of waiting for mentalities to evolve, I recommend you to stay safe and to get a regular check-up in one of the facilities mentioned below.
Angsamerah is one of the best and cheapest places in Jakarta for HIV and STD check-up. They have several branches in Menteng (Central Jakarta) and in Fatmawati (South Jakarta).
HIV test is around Rp300,000 (including Rp30,000 for administration fee, Rp200,000 for mandatory doctor appointment, Rp20,000 for the needle and Rp50,000 for the test)
For Gonorrhea/Chlamydia, the test is an additional Rp50,000 to Rp80,000 each.
You can get a full package including HIV, Syphilis and Urethral Discharge (+ doctor appointment) for Rp370,000.
Full price list available here: Angsamerah Test HIV.
Waiting Time:
You can get the results within 30-60 minutes.
Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm (last appointment 8pm).
Website (with English version): http://angsamerah.com/
Phone number: +62 21 724 7676
Bio Medika:
The laboratory chain Bio Medika is a good alternative to Angsamerah. It is a bit more expensive but they have several locations in Jakarta and in the rest of Indonesia (Bali, BSD, Tangerang).
HIV Test: Rp382,500. Doctor consultation not required.
For other STDs, it is advised to have a note from your doctor to make sure you do the right test.
Test for Chlamydia (IGG/IGM): Rp 555,000
Test for Herpes (IGM): Rp305,000
Waiting Time:
Results will be given on the same day
Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday from 6.30am to 9pm
Saturday from 6.30am to 4pm
Open on Sunday from 8am to 2pm
In Jakarta: Kedoya, Gandaria, Kelapa Gading, Mangga Besar, Semangan, Angke. More details on their website: http://www.biomedika.co.id
Phone number: 021 568 9942-43
Prodia is also reputed for HIV and STDs screenings in Jakarta but it is more expensive than Bio Medika. It is convenient because there are dozens of locations in Jakarta and in every major Indonesian city.
The price for HIV testing is Rp391,000 but, surprisingly, you need to bring a note from your doctor. I don't really understand the point of this, especially considering they do not require it for other STDs checkup.
Chlamydia test (IGM OR IGG) costs Rp727,000.
Herpes test IGM I: Rp352,000 and IGM II: Rp318,000
Waiting Time
You need 3 working days to get the results
Opening Hours:
Depends on the branch but most of them open from Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm and on Saturday from 8am to 4pm. Always closed on Sunday.
Almost everywhere in Jakarta and Indonesia, you can check the full list on their website: http://www.prodia.co.id/Lokasi
International SOS
Many expats prefer going to International SOS because it is their employer's recommended clinic. The standards are supposed to be better but the prices are much higher. Since they don't have their own laboratory, it also takes a long time to receive the results.
You must do a consultation with their own doctor prior to the test. The price is Rp368,000 (for a General Practitioner) + Rp49,000 for Administration fee (Rp24,000 if you already are a client).
Based on the doctor's recommendation, you should pay the following, approximately:
HIV test: Rp550,000
Chlamydia screening: Between Rp500,000 and Rp1,100,000
Herpes: Rp1,500,000
Waiting Time:
You will get the results 5-7 days after the test.
Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm (last appointment 5pm)
Saturday from 8am to 2pm (last appointment 1pm)
SOS Medika Cipete Clinic
Jalan Puri Sakti No. 12, Cipete - Antasari
Phone number: 021 7505973
SOS Medika Kuningan
Menara Prima 2nd Floor, Mega Kuningan
Phone number: 021 5794 8600
Website: International SOS Jakarta
Global Doctor
Global Doctor is another clinic popular with expatriates in Kemang.
Doctor consultation required: Rp288,000 + Administration fee (Rp40,000).
HIV test: Rp543,000 or Rp1,121,000 (depending on the test)
Chlamydia: Rp543,000
Herpes (anti-HSV): Rp396,000
Syphilis (TPHA): Rp184,000
Syphilis (VDRL): Rp115,000
Waiting Time:
Same day if you come before 10am for all tests except Chlamydia (on Tuesday only).
Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm
Saturday from 8am to 4pm
Closed on Sunday and Public Holiday
From Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm
Global Doctor Indonesia
Jalan Kemang Raya 87
Phone number: +62 (0) 21 719 4565
Website: http://www.globaldoctor.co.id/
Rumah Sakit Saint Carolus
This public hospital gives free HIV and STD screening (Gonorrhea and Syphilis only). You may have to wait if you visit on a busy day.
Free for Indonesians and Expats. For Chlamydia you normally have to pay but it depends on the doctor's appointment.
Waiting Time:
Results within 1 hour
Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm
Jalan Salemba Raya No. 41 Central Jakarta
Phone number: 021-390 4441
Website: http://rscarolus.or.id/
Lab Klinik Gunung Sahari
This is one of the cheapest places to get an HIV test in Jakarta with locations in Gunung Sahari, Daan Mogot, Kelapa Gading and Depok.
HIV test: Rp260,000 (no doctor's note required)
Chlamydia: Rp990,000
Waiting Time:
HIV: On the same day
Chlamydia: If you come on Tuesday before 2pm, you can get on the same day. Otherwise, you must wait until the next Tuesday.
Opening Hours:
From Monday to Saturday from 6.30am to 8pm
Check on their website: http://www.gunungsahari.com/
Lab Klinik Pramita
Pramita is a large chain with several locations in Indonesia, but only a few in Jakarta.
Test HIV: Rp419,000
Test Chlamydia (IGM or IGG): Rp715,000 IGM
Waiting Time:
The results are received within 3 working days
Opening Hours:
Free doctor consultation if you come from Monday to Friday between 8am and 12am.
You can see all the cities where Pramita is located on this link: Pramita Branches.
RSCM and RS Dharmais
Those two hospitals are hubs in the treatment of people living with AIDS in Indonesia. In particular, you can get anti-retroviral medication (ART). RSCM (Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo) has its own specialized unit called Pokdisus.
Some Indonesians can get free tests, information and treatments there through the VCT program (Voluntary Counseling and Testing).
As a foreigner, you can get cheap tests and treatment but as it is a public hospital, expect to queue.
About Rp120,000 for doctor consultation and Rp120,000 for HIV testing.
Waiting Time:
Same day results
Opening Hours:
From Monday to Friday in the morning
RSCM Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
Pokdisus Special AIDS/HIV Unit
Jalan Diponegoro No. 71, Central Jakarta
Phone number: 021 390 5250 or 021 3162788
Poliklinik Special HIV/AIDS
Jalan Letjen S. Parman Kav. 84-86, Slipi, West Jakarta
Phone number: 021 5681570
Other laboratories, clinics, and hospitals
Several other clinics and hospitals I contacted have similar prices, from Rp300 to Rp450,000 for the HIV test. They include the following: Makmal ReproBioMedicine, ABC Lab, RS MMC (conveniently located in Kuningan).
Surprisingly, I didn't manage to get one person from Siloam Hospitals who knew the prices. I will try again soon.
Free HIV tests are available at Puskesmas (community public health centers) and public hospitals for people who have the KJS (Jakarta Health Card). For others, the prices are generally very low.
Another option is to check for HIV with an at home STD test that can be purchased online.
